Alignment Guide

Shilla Alignments

In Shilla, players can align themselves with different forces, influencing their gameplay experience. There are seven alignments: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit, Good, and Evil.

Core Alignments and Restrictions

Living Races: Living races have the freedom to choose any of the four fundamental alignments: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.
Undead Race Limitations: Undead races have limited alignment options. Initially, they are restricted to the Evil alignment. Later in the game, they may have the opportunity to switch to the Good alignment(and likely back to Evil).
Spirit Alignment: The Spirit alignment becomes available after defeating the Spirit Guardian.

Alignment Mechanics

Strengths and Weaknesses: Aligning with a particular force grants certain advantages and disadvantages. For example, an Earth-aligned player might receive increased or decreased damage from creatures of other alignments. To effectively increase offensive damage, players must equip weapons enchanted with an alignment that is strong against the target.
To make an alignment based weapon, you need a Rune of <align> and take it to the Shrine with a gold donation to imbue.

The chart below will help you understand it better. (Note Good and Evil align have not been researched for weakness/strengths)

Creature's Alignment (Top)
Your Alignment (Down) Fire Water Earth Air Neutral
Air Weak Normal Strong Normal Normal
Fire Normal Weak Normal Strong Normal
Water Strong Normal Weak Normal Normal
Earth Normal Strong Normal Weak Normal
Spirit Strong Strong Strong Strong Normal

Changing Alignments

Quitting: Players can leave their current alignment by visiting the corresponding Temple in Shillatown after being in their current alignment for 24 hours.
Joining: After quitting, players need to wait 24 hours to join a new alignment.
Building a Monument will change these timers from 24 hours to 0 for quitting, and 24 to 12 hours for joining a new alignment.

Elemental Guardians

Confronting the Guardians: Players will eventually encounter powerful beings known as Elemental Guardians.
Defeating the Guardians: To defeat an Elemental Guardian, the player should temporarily join the same alignment as the Guardian. This will cause the Guardian to surrender.
Alignment Switching Strategy: To defeat all four Guardians, players will need to strategically switch between alignments.

Note the order of Guardians that need to be killed for quest progression:
Air Guardian —> Fire Guardian —> Earth Guardian —> Water Guardian

Choosing an Initial Alignment

Factors to Consider: You have to stay in the same alignment for 24 hours, and rejoin after 24 more hours.
Note, in this version of Shilla you can for the majority of the game as a living race not have an alignment.
Living Races: Living races have the freedom to choose any of the four core alignments (Earth, Air, Fire, or Water).
Undead Races: Undead races are initially restricted to the Evil alignment.


Mages are different in the sense that they already have elemental spells that do elemental damage, so the rules above don't apply to them. They can join an alignment to reduce damage from a defensive standpoint, but that's all alignment does for them until they gain Spirit, which allows their spells to become Spirit aligned with a rune attached to their weapon.

End Game

Once you beat the Warlock and mayor and complete the major quests of Shilla, there are 3 areas in which you need either Good, Evil or Spirit Alignment and a special amulet to enter into these areas.
See Astral Forge on information on how to make these items and quests required to do so.

  • Good Alignment + Astral Pendant = Astral Plane, Kill Arch Angel in Sky Castle
  • Evil Alignment + Umbral Pendant = Umbral Plane, Water Guardian location in Atlantis
  • Spirit Alignment + Spirit Collar = Spiritual Plane, last elite section in Mount M, go up.
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