These three quests are the entry requirements needed to obtain the Promised Islands quests.
While having no specific requirements a character must be able to survive the max hit of a whirlpool on both the Ocean Surface and the 1st Fathom. I suppose if you got really, really lucky you might be able to get to each location and then teleport out. The max hit of the easiest of the Promised Island’s creatures is past a whirlpool’s max anyway, therefore doing so would be a waste of time.
Bottle, Camp, Sunken Vessel/Coordinates quests come in matching groups. Probably the easiest way of completing these quests is to gather all three bottles, go to the Sewer, Cloud, and Vast Desert locations, then return to all three 1st Fathom locations. This will eliminate any effort needed matching groups together.
None of these quests have a reward of any kind, other than as a prerequisite.
Bottle Quests
Locations are on [Ocean] Surface map. Below you will find general location descriptions.
Bottle 1 - Located in the Eastern area of the Ocean Surface
Bottle 2 - Located in the Western area of the Ocean Surface
Bottle 3 - Located in the Northeastern area of the Ocean Surface
Camp/First Coordinate Quests
Locations can be found in each of the related areas. Below you will find general location descriptions.
Camp 1 - Located in the Southwestern section of the Vast Desert
Camp 2 - Located in the Middle East section of the Clouds
Camp 3 - Located in the Southern area of the Canals
Once you have visited the Camp in each location return to the Bottle location on the Ocean Surface to “learn” the first coordinate. You then need to return to the Camp location to activate the last step of the quest line. For whatever reason you need to complete the Camp 3 part of the quest to get Camp 1 quest to activate.
Sunken Vessel/Final Coordinate Quests
Locations are on [Ocean] 1st Fathom map. Below you will find general location descriptions.
Sunken Vessel 1 - Located in the Eastern area of the 1st Fathom
Sunken Vessel 2 - Located in the Northern area of the 1st Fathom
Sunken Vessel 3 - Located in the Western area of the 1st Fathom
Once you click on the “Lets explore the Open Sea with those coordinates” blue link your set to head to the Promised Islands.