Elite Armor

I keep this page up mainly for the fact for others to edit it into the wiki, it's easier to use this since it's entirely wiki code written.
If you want a more detailed explanation of things, check out the section pages instead.


  • Elite Armor is a new armor in the game that provides extra defense and/or extra stat boosts from a normal piece of armor.
  • Unique areas in the game are able to spawn elite versions of special monsters that drop gear
  • There are several tiers of elites that can show up. All tiers can drop the armors of the tier below it, including regular versions
    • Elite: Base version that can only drop elite armors with no bonus stats, but greatly increased defense
    • Veteran: Drops up to 1 stat
    • Noble: Drops up to 2 stats
    • Leader: Drops up to 3 stats
    • Grandmaster: Drops up to 4 stats

Stats Overview and Names

Veteran Noble Leader Grandmaster
Class 1 Stat 2 Stats 3 Stats 4 Stats
Fighter Impenetrable Stalward Indestructible Godly
Thief Gifted Shadow Ancient Legendary
Mage Visionary Saintly Mythical Ultimate

Example: (1)40 Str, (2)20 Con, (3)20 Dex, (4)40 Chr


  • Elite monsters have Initiative, meaning they have a chance to attack FIRST

This chance is based on a formula of Dex, Int and Chr. The closer the total of your Dex + Int divided by 2 is to your Chr, including any buffs from armor or jewelry you my have, the lower the chance the elite will get initiative. Each level of Elites have a cap though, so there is always a chance the creature will get Initiative.

Initiative Cap Table

Elite 97.5%
Veteran 96%
Noble 94.5%
Leader 93%
Grandmaster 91.5%
  • Double the attacks of normal versions, but at reduced power depending on tier

Power Scaling Table

Elite 60%
Veteran 70%
Noble 80%
Leader 90%
Grandmaster 100%

What this means: Armor is king. The increased number of attacks make any mitigation much more valuable


I come across a monster with 2 attacks and 1000 damage. 2 x 1000 = 2000 total damage.
I come across a Noble Monster. They now have 4 attacks, but 80% of 1000 is 800.
So it's 4 x 800 = 3200 total damage.

If you aren't entirely sure on if you can survive, use consider in game. It takes account of all your characters stats, armor and buffs.
If it says you can survive, you can. If not, better wait until later.

Elite Hydra Example With Defense Calculation

  1. Hydra - 3 attacks with 1,650 max hit
  2. Reduce to damager per attack
  3. Apply reduction based on elite tier of 60%
  4. Apply defense of 84 from full Hydra set
  5. Multiply by 6 for the doubled attacks to get new max hit
\begin{align} Old\ Max\ Hit\ = 1650 \end{align}
\begin{align} \frac{1,650\ damage}{3\ attacks} = 550\ damage\ per\ attack \end{align}
\begin{align} 60\%\ reduction \times 550\ damage\ per\ attack = 330\ damage\ per\ attack \end{align}

Subract 84 defense per attack

\begin{align} 330 - 84 = 246\ damage\ per\ attack \end{align}
\begin{align} \frac{246\ damage}{attack} \times \frac{6\ attacks}{round} = 1476\ damage\ per\ round \end{align}
\begin{align} New\ Max\ Hit\ = 1476 \end{align}

In this case, the elite hydra's max hit is actually LESS than the regular hydra!

Known Armors and Areas

Tier 2 Crab Lord

The Crab Lord is in the Beach and only drops 3 pieces of elite armor, 1 for each guild. The purpose is to introduce the new armor into the game, and also to get you familiar with the elite monster battle mechanics.

Elite monsters can attack first before you will, so you will need to make sure you are properly healed before the fight, and properly defended against any attack.
Testing with a character seemed to be that the max hit was somewhere less than 70, so if you have that much life, defense, or a combination of both, you will survive.

Here are the drops:

Type Armor Defense Stat
Fighter Elite Tin Placed Gloves 5 +5 Str
Thief Elite Soft Leather Coif 5 +5 Dex
Mage Elite Cloth Sandals 3 +5 Int

Training here can get you a small amount of gold by selling the armor. Not enough to really do anything, but enough to get a starter weapon, amulet of apprentice or buying the rest of the armor for your guild
(armor is overrated at this point in the game, so save the money).

Tier 4 Cave River(Ogre Cave)

Down at the very bottom of the Ogre Cave, if you go west and have the digging skill and a shovel equipped, you can enter the Cave River.

The Cave River has 3 sections. Elite, Veteran, and Noble. The monsters are enhanced versions of the Hydra, Pirarucu, and the Ogre-Eating Cave Spider.

Hydra drops fighter pieces up to Noble. Stat 1 is Str, Stat 2 is Con (40,20)
Pirarucu drops thief pieces up to Noble. Stat 1 is Dex, Stat 2 is Con (40,20)
Ogre-Eating Cave Spider drops mage pieces up to Noble. Stat 1 is Int, Stat 2 is Con(40,20)

Type Armor 1st Stat 2nd Stat Drops From Location
Fighter Hydraplate Equipment +40 Str +20 Con Hydra Cave River
Thief Fishscale Equipment +40 Dex +20 Chr Pirarucu Cave River
Mage Spidersilk Equipment +40 Int +20 Wis Ogre-eating Cave Spider Cave River

Max Hit Table

Name Normal Elite Veteran Noble Normal Attacks Elite Attacks
Hydra 1,650 1980 2310 2640 3 6
Pirarucu 1,650 1980 2310 2640 1 2
Ogre-eating Cave Spider 1,650 1980 2310 2640 8 16

Tier 5 Hexagon


Please refer to the Hexagon for instructions on how to navigate once inside

Fighter Entrance

Go to the Dungeon SE corner bottom right cell. Refer to the map for details

Fighter Stats

Impenetrable Stalward Indestructible Godly
+80 Str +40 Con +40 Dex +80 Chr

Thief Entrance

Go to Lake Gala SW corner

Thief Stats

Gifted Shadow Ancient Legendary
+80 Dex +40 Chr +40 Con +80 Dex

Mage Entrnace

Go to Deep Dark Forest all the way down to the pit where Quetzalcoati is

Mage Stats

Visionary Saintly Mythical Ultimate
+80 Int +40 Wis +40 Str ?

Fighter Armors

Armor Drops From
Holy Pearl Helm Kraken
Holy Pearl Brigadine Kraken
Holy Pearl Buckler Holy Knight
Holy Pearl Neckbrace Holy Knight
Holy Pearl Greaves Kraken
Holy Pearl Boots Holy Knight
Holy Pearl Gloves Holy Knight

Thief Armors

Armor Drops From
Serpentscale Coif Medusa
Serpentscale Tunic Quetzalcoati
Serpentscale Escutcheon Quetzalcoati
Serpentscale Collar Medusa
Serpentscale Pants Quetzalcoati
Serpentscale Footwraps Medusa
Serpentscale Wristbands Medusa

Mage Armors

Armor Drops From
Unicorn Mane Velveteen Cap Imprisoned Unicorn
Unicorn Mane Velveteen Cloak Unicorn
Unicorn Mane Velveteen Ward Imprisoned Unicorn
Unicorn Mane Velveteen Scarf Imprisoned Unicorn
Unicorn Mane Velveteen Leggings Unicorn
Unicorn Mane Velveteen Sleeves Unicorn
Unicorn Mane Velveteen Sandals Unicorn

Tier 6 Volcano and Dragon Island(Haunted Islands)

Volcano has two areas for elites with their own restrictions. Please refer to Volcano page for maps and more info

The Dragon Island requires you to go through Ghost Island, into the Haunted Crypt, then all the way down to level 7 to find the portal to Dragon Island.
Please refer to the Haunted Crypt page for details on how to get through the floors

Fighter Stats

Impenetrable Stalward Indestructible Godly
+160 Str +80 Con +80 Dex +160 Chr

Thief Stats

Gifted Shadow Ancient Legendary
+160 Dex +80 Chr +80 Con ?

Mage Stats

Visionary Saintly Mythical Ultimate
+160 Int +80 Wis +80 Str ?

Fighter Armors

Armor Drops From Location
Dragonplate Bascinet Elder Red Dragon Level 7 - Lava Path
Dragonplate Cuirass Elder Red Dragon Level 7 - Lava Path
Dragonplate Shield Adult Red Dragon Level 7 - Lava Path
Dragonplate Gorget Bone Dragon Dragon Island
Dragonplate Chausses Bone Dragon Dragon Island
Dragonplate Sabatons Green Dragon Level 9 - Lava Tunnel
Dragonplate Gauntlets Bone Dragon Dragon Island

Thief Armors

Armor Drops From Location
Dragonscale Hood Adult Red Dragon Level 7 - Lava Path
Dragonscale Gambeson Green Dragon Level 9 - Lava Tunnel
Dragonscale Pavise Elder Red Dragon Level 7 - Lava Path
Dragonscale Neckband Bone Dragon Dragon Island
Dragonscale Tasset Bone Dragon Dragon Island
Dragonscale Shoes Green Dragon Level 9 - Lava Tunnel
Dragonscale Handguards Bone Dragon Dragon Island

Mage Armors

Armor Drops From Location
Dragon Blood Satin Hat Green Dragon Level 9 - Lava Tunnel
Dragon Blood Satin Robe Green Dragon Level 9 - Lava Tunnel
Dragon Blood Satin Barrier Green Dragon Level 9 - Lava Tunnel
Dragon Blood Satin Pendant Bone Dragon Dragon Island
Dragon Blood Satin Slacks Bone Dragon Dragon Island
Dragon Blood Satin Mittens Adult Red Dragon Level 7 - Lava Path
Dragon Blood Satin Slippers Bone Dragon Dragon Island

Tier 7 Ocean and Promised Islands

More info to come later

Type Armor 1st Stat 2nd Stat 3rd Stat 4th Stat Drops From Location
Fighter Aqua Shellplate +320 Str +160 Con 160 dex 320 Chr Sea Wolf, Black Fathom Promised Islands, Ocean
Thief Illusionary +320 Dex +160 Chr ? ? Mermaid Promised Islands, Ocean
Mage Oracle +320 Int +160 Wis ? ? Seahorse Rider Promised Islands, Ocean

Tier 8 through 11 - The Guildless Armor Sets

Once you have reached 40k WS you can begin receiving the next set of armors. Like Village Armors these sets of armors are not associated with a specific guild, meaning that there is but one set and any main or specialty guild can wear them. The name pattern is consistent from Tier 8 through 11 as well.

Name vs Stat vs Elite Level Table

Dropping Elite Level Armor Name # of stats
Elite Elite 0 Stats, but increased armor value
Veteran Renowned 1 Stat
Noble Lordly 2 Stats
Leader Commander 3 Stats
Grandmaster Master 4 Stats

Tier 8: Dino Scale Armor

This tier of armor is dropped by the Dinos of Dino Land. You can be sent this tier at 40K WS. A complete Basic, Renowned, Lordly, Commander, or Master set provides 2,140 points of protection, while the Elite set provides 4,020 points of protection.

Dropping Creature Location Armor
Dilong Dino Valley Dino Scale Boots
Europasaurus Dino Valley Dino Scale Helmet
Horned One Old Forest Dino Scale Shield
Brachiosaurus Old Forest Dino Scale Neckband
Stegosaurus Sierra Nirvana Dino Scale Leggings
Utahraptor Sierra Nirvana Dino Scale Mail
Carcharodontosaurus Sierra Nirvana Dino Scale Gauntlets

Armor Stat Increase
Renowned +640
Lordly 1st stat +640, 2nd stat +320
Commander 1st stat +640, 2nd stat 320, 3rd stat +320
Master ???

Tier 9: Moonglow

This tier of armors are dropped by the creatures on Mount M. You can be sent this tier at 60K WS.

Armor Stat Increase
Renowned +1,280
Lordly 1st stat +1,280, 2nd stat +640
Commander 1st stat +1,280, 2nd stat 640, 3rd stat +640
Master ???

Tier 10: Divine

This tier of armors are dropped by the creatures on Evil Town. You can be sent this tier at 100K WS.

Armor Stat Increase
Renowned +2,560
Lordly 1st stat +2,560, 2nd stat +1,280
Commander 1st stat +2,560, 2nd stat 1,280, 3rd stat +1,280
Master ???

Tier 11: Ascension

This tier of armors are dropped by the creatures on Spirit Plain. You can be sent this tier at 150K WS.

Armor Stat Increase
Renowned +5,120
Lordly 1st stat +5,120, 2nd stat +2,560
Commander 1st stat +5,120, 2nd stat 2,560, 3rd stat +2,560

Tier 12: Various elements

This tier of armors are dropped by the creatures in Burning Lands, Depths of Gylmaron, Enchanted Forest, and Open Air. You can be sent this tier at 500K WS.

This tier is a bit more complicated since the stat levels are the same throughout the tier but the tier is broken into sub-groups which are named differently and have different effects. Also only the ritual version exists for all slots, each of the 4 basic element resist ones exist for 3 slots, and the good/evil/spirit/neutral exist for a single slot.

Armor Resist
Winged Dragon 5% Air
Enchanted Fairy 5% Earth
Hell Spawn 5% Fire
Merfolk Scale 5% Water
Ritual 1% Defense to all
Angelic 10% EVil
Devililish 10% Good
Spiritual War 10% Spirit
Voidal Immunity 15% Neutral
Since I'm too lazy to document the whole zones and all the creatures, here's the important armor droppers in this tier for now at least:
Zone Creature Armor Slot
Enchanted Forest Fairy Enchanted Fairy Legs
Enchanted Forest Fairy Queen Enchanted Fairy / Spiritual War Chest
Enchanted Forest Fairy Mage Enchanted Fairy Feet
Burning Lands Little Devil Hell Spawn Hands
Burning Lands Devil's Advicate Hell Spawn Shield
Burning Lands Devil's Hell Spawn Hell Spawn / Devilish Neck
Depths of Gylmaron Merfolk Patrol Merfolk Scale Hands
Depths of Gylmaron Merfolk Warrior Merfolk Scale Feet
Depths of Gylmaron Merfolk Mage Merfolk Scale/Angelic Chest
open Air Grey Dragon Winged Dragon Helm
open Air Gold Dragon Winged Dragon Neck
open Air Dragon Lord Winged Dragon / Voidal Immunity Legs
Armor Stat Increase
Renowned +10,240
Lordly 1st stat +10,240, 2nd stat +5,120
Commander 1st stat +10,240, 2nd stat 5,120, 3rd stat +5,120
Master ???
Master ???

Tier 13: elemental and variations

This tier of armors are dropped by the creatures in Elemental Chaos, Elemental Void, and Elemental Poolls. You can be sent this tier at 900K WS.

This tier is a bit more complicated since the stat levels are the same throughout the tier but the tier is broken into sub-groups which are named differently and have different effects.

Armor Resist
Elemental Bramblebeast 10% Earth and Water
Elemental Veil 10% Air and Water
Elemental Embrace 10% Fire and Earth
Elemental Galeheart 10% Fire and Air
Elemental Chaos 10% Fire and Air, and 20% evil
Elemental of Virtue 10% Earth and Water, and 20% good
Elemental Lament 10% Neutral and Earth
Elemental Smoldering Void 10% Neutral and Fire
Elemental Breach 10% Neutral and Air
Elemental Velvet 10% Neutral and Water
Elemental of Bojapor 10% Neutral and Earth and 20% Spirit
Elemental of Manefex 10% Neutral and Air and 20% Spirit
Elemental Murmur 10% Air, Water, and Earth
Elemental Frostfall 10% Fire, Water, and Earth
Elemental Frostflame 10% Air, Water, and Fire
Elemental Twilight 10% Air, Fire, and Earth
Ashax's 15% Air, Earth, Fire, and Water

Since I'm too lazy to document the whole zones and all the creatures, here's the important armor droppers in this tier for now at least:

Zone Creature Armor Slot
Elemental Chaos Aqua Bramblebeast Elemental Bramblebeast Neck
Elemental Chaos Nimbus Frostflare Elemental Veil Shield
Elemental Chaos Fiery Jackal Elemental Embrace Helm
Elemental Chaos Aether Pyrestalker Elemental Galeheart Boots
Elemental Chaos Laojinn Random? Only source of Chaos? Random?
Elemental Chaos Trinaxa Random? Only source of Virtue? Random?
Elemental Void Sage Clash Elemental Lament Helm
Elemental Void Thalren Duskcurrent Elemental Velvet Boots
Elemental Void Astrael Voidmancer Elemental Breach Gloves
Elemental Void Crimson Pyrax Elemental Smoldering Void Chest
Elemental Void Bojapor Random? Only source of Bojapor? Random?
Elemental Void Manefex Random? Only source of Manefex? Random?
Elemental Pools EarthWaterFire2 Elemental Frostfall Chest
Elemental Pools WaterAirFire2 Elemental Frostflame Neck
Elemental Pools AirFireEarth2 Elemental Twilight Legs
Elemental Pools AirWaterEarth2 Elemental Murmur Gloves
Elemental Pools Ashax Random? Only source of Ashax? Random?
Armor Stat Increase
Renowned +20,480
Lordly 1st stat +20,480, 2nd stat +10,240
Commander 1st stat +20,480, 2nd stat 10,240, 3rd stat +10,240
Master ???
Master ???

Tips and other Helpful Information

Elite armors are new armors that are dropped by elite versions of creatures that already exist.

These new creatures can appear in different levels, each of which can hit harder than their corresponding creature they are based on.
Example versions of these are: Elite, Veteran, Nobel, Leader, Grand Master
Each level up can hit an extra 10% harder
Only the higher versions can drop the better versions of the armor and the drop rates on the better versions are VERY bad

WARNING: The creatures that can drop these armors can hit you 1st, and the higher up versions of them can hit really, really hard so be warned and always heal up

The base elite armor (the ones called elite) have the best armor values but have no stat buffs
The higher vrsions beyond base have less armor than the base (but far higher than anything else)
each step up after that is named something else and will add an extra stat buff

Not every armor slot is available at any given tier

Going from say pearl to dragon plate or dragon plate to aqua will double the stat buffs for the like version of the armor pieces

Fighter: Elite > Impenetrable > Stalwart > Indestructible > ???
Stat 1 Str, 2 Con, 3 Dex, 4 Chr

Mage: Elite > Visionary > Saintly > Mythical> ???
Stat 1 Int, 2 Wis, 3 ??, 4 ??

Thief: Elite > Gifted > Shadow > Ancient > ???

Stat 1 Dex, 2 Chr(total worthless bullshit), 3 Con? (unconfirmed since none have been found), 4 ??

OK, so I understand and I want some, where do I get it?

Crab Lord in the SE section of the beach in the only spot where you can go down is your first shot at some this is better versions of the starter shop armors

Next up Is the bottom spot in the Ogre Cave. to enter the zone you have to equip either the band of earth or a shovel (just to enter after that equip your regular weapon)
This gives you a shot at hydra, fish scale, and spider silk

Then we have the hexagon which gives you a shot at holy pearl, serpent scale, and unicorn
This area is kind of confusing to navigate and has different entrances depending on your guild
Fighters: Just outside druid keep or in the dungeon
Thieves: The SW spot of the lake, or the middle of the southern part of the 2nd floor of sky castle
Mages: Bottom of the pit or a dead end in the maze

Note that entering the 1st spot of the hexagon will trigger damage
The outer portion only gives you regular versions of the creatures (no elites)

Next up we have the Volcano which gives you access to dragon plate, dragon scale, and dragon blood
These can be found on levels 9 and 7
level 9 has green dragons
level 7 has adult red dragons
These zones have stat restrictions on entering them

The Bone Dragon, found on Dragon Island in the Haunted Islands, drops the Hands, Feet, and Legs, which are missing from the dragons found in the Elite Area of the Volcano.

Next up is aqua shell, illusionary, and oracle
They can be found in the circular part of the river in the ocean
and 4 specific spots in the pyramid
Spot 1: pyramid top tele, go 2s 2e, then follow the path to level 3(leader Horus)(warrior mage leader)
Spot 2: Pyramid top tele: Go 2N then down, then n then e all the way, then D, then 2E (leader horus, Anubis leader)
Spot 3: there's a spot on the base that seemed to just have base elites so not really worth seeking out
Spot 4: ???

Note: Ancient level on Thief gear found from Warrior Mage Leader in the Pyramid Elite room Enchantments were Dexterity: +320 Charisma: +160 Constitution: +160

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