Forbidden Gem
This quest is done after turning in the Trader Bob quest. The quest is at the Wraith section of New Shilla Town. It requires you to get 100 Dark Trinkets to turn into the Limbo Stone. This is used in the Divinity Bracelet forge combo.
I'm sure you have at some point needed to farm Dark Trinkets, but here is a reminder of where to find them.
- Killing Siren Enchantress by yourself can get you 3.
- Killing Giant Ant Hill by yourself can get you 2.
- Killing monsters in the Dino Valley, Old Forest, and Sierra Nirvana can produce one as a rare drop.
- Mining in Dungeon of The Lost Souls, or Volcano.
- Getting Trophies from the Danger Zone and exchanging them 1:1 at the Trophy Shop in Shillatown.