Group Kill


The first group kill was introduced on Thanksgiving, November 22nd, 2007. The idea behind the "Group Kill Creature" is to have fun. The experience is divided among those who have caused the creature damage and is based on the total amount of damage you caused. Also, there are drops are given to the player who strikes the killing blow. There is no limit as to how many players can join in on these, and they always spawn in different areas.

Note: You cannot successfully Run Away from any of the Group Kill creatures. To run away, just use Teleport spell.

Also: Renting the Draining Ring does NOT work on any of the Group Kill monsters. Either does scrolling. That does 0 damage.

Holiday Group Kills

Name Starting Life Armor Location Quest Point Restriction Item Drops Appearance Date
Giant Turkey 5,000,000,000 90% Dark Forest No max QP 50 burritos Thanksgiving 2007


The Oozes were first introduced to Shilla on February 23rd, 2008. Their Max Hits are less than 5,300 points with their 2 attacks. Being able to see an Ooze depends on the number of quest points your character has. Those numbers are found in the table below. In the table, you will find the life, armor, restriction, and known drops.

WS Restrictions and Timers

On Nov 14th, 2024 the longtime WS restrictions were modified to allow characters up to double those restrictions to attack Bosses that may be sitting unattacked. The timer restriction increases to double the listed time, on a sliding scale, until 1 WS away from the double max. As an example: Siren Enchantress: WS=100.000 - can Spawn it and fight it up to WS 200k. WS 100k players spawn it after 6 hours, WS 199999 spawn it after 12hours

Group Kill List

Name Starting Life Armor/Resist Max Hit Attacks Spawn Rate
High Priestess of Ascension ? ? ? 25 16 hours
Moonglow Angel ? ? ? 2 20 hours
Achilles ? ? ? 15 3 hours
Corrupt Town Guard Boss ? ? ? ? 17 hours
Limbo Dragon ? ? ? 12 3 hours
Boulder Hurler 100,000,000,000 30% 50,000^ 2 3 hours
Megalodon 95,000,000,000 ?? 140K 4 10 hours
Giant Ant Hive 50,000,000,000 25% 50,000 10 8 hours
Siren Enchantness 25,000,000,000 20% 36,000 6 6 hours
Ice Crystal Ooze 11,000,000,000 75% 6,000 2 18 hours
Foul Crystal Ooze 3,480,000,000 70% 2,400 2 16 hours
Blood Crystal Ooze 577,500,000 65%/65% 900 2 14 hours
Blighted Crystal Ooze 122,000,000 60%/60% 400 2 8 hours
Forest Crystal Ooze 30,000,000 55%/55% 160 2 10 hours
Balthasar* 8,000,000 50% 10,000 2 4 Hours
Captain Skull Hat* 3,250,000 25%/30% 5,000 1 3 hours
Henry the Hellish* 1,200,000 20%/10% 3,500 1 2 hours

^ - Can hit for 3x amount in Critical hit damage at <10% life remaining.
* - Elite versions of monster, have higher max hits than listed in game, see Elite Monsters for more information.

There is a line of red text near the bottom of the screen that will indicate approximately where you are in your fight versus the Group Kills.

Red Text Approximate Percentage of Life Remaining
The creature seems to be absolutely fit and hops from one foot to the other 100%
The creature seems slightly wounded up to 90%
The creature seems very angry and gazing at you up to 70%
The creature seems to be in a rage, looking for victims to torture up to 50%
The creature seems severely wounded now - looking around wildly up to 30%
The creature seems to be in a rage, willing to accept anything it can grab as food up to 10%
The creature is close to death, but it will not pass an opportunity to return the pain it has been suffering. 10% to 0%

Locations, Quest Point Restrictions, and Drops

Name Location Wall Score Restriction Item Drops(Weapons, Gems, Misc, Food, Potions, Jewelry)
Achilles Portal from Maze dead ends 1.5M T99 Weapons and Gems
Limbo Dragon Limbo 1M T66 Weapons and Gems
High Priestess of Ascension (7,7) then Up in the Spiritual Plane 600k Ascension Armor
Corupt Town Guard Evil Shilla 500K Divine Armor,
Moonglow Angel (7, -7, 7) then up in Open Air above Goblin Island in Cafe Au Lait 400K Moonglow Armor
Boulder Hurler Mount M ??? T33 Weapons, Large Tin of Beans, Major Berserk Tonic, Blue Crab Elixir, Crazy Berserk Elixir
Megalodon Cafe Au Lait Sea - 8N, 1E of Goblin Island Dock >500K Dino Armor
Giant Forest Ant Hive Jungle ??? Black Crystal, Black Obsidian, Black Trunk, Dark Trinket, Fire Cracker, Green Crystal, Green Emerald, Green Trunk, Ground Spinner, Red Crystal, Red Pixie Dust, Red Ruby, Smoke Bomb
Siren Enchantness Rough Seas north of Rough Shores 100K Crazy Berserk Elixir, Blue Crab Elixir, Passion Fruit, Large Tin of Beans, Major Berserk Tonic, Dark Trinket, Fire Cracker, Red Pixie Dust, Red Crystal, Ground Spinner, Green Pixie Dust, Comet, Blighted Crystal
Ice Crystal Ooze Ice Palace Spiral 2 No Max Aqua Pixie Dust, Aqua Sapphire, Black Crystal, Blue Crab Elixir, Burritos, Crazy Berserk Elixir, Eye of Ra, Mithril Helm, Smoke Bomb
Foul Crystal Ooze Great Plains(Bottom of Well) 12500 WS Iron Rations, Whale Meat, Shark Meat, Black Obsidian, and Black Pixie Dust
Blood Crystal Ooze Eastern Dungeon Cells 50000 WS Red Ruby, Red Pixie Dust, Nightmist Ring, Maji Ward, Random Amount of Major Berserk Tonic, Red Crystal, Fire Cracker
Balthasar Northeast corner of the Haunted Islands 24000 WS Elite versions of T12 weapons, Blue Crab Elixir, Crazy Berserk Elixir, Minor Berserk Tonic, Ambrosia
Captain Skull Hat Northeast corner of Footface Island 18000 WS Elite versions of T10 weapons
Henry the Hellish Southeast corner of Shilla Bay 12000 WS Elite versions of T8 weapons
Blighted Crystal Ooze Cemetery Crypt 25000 WS Azure Diamond, White Pixie Dust, and Random Village Armor, 3 Large Can of Beans, Comet
Forest Crystal Ooze Vast Valley 12500 Green Pixie Dust, Green Emerald, Red Wine, Random amounts of Medium Berserk Tonic, Minor Berserk Tonics and Medium Tin of Beans, Green Crystal, Ground Spinner
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