
The Mountain is the area most people venture into after training in the Drakmor Castle or Lake Gala depending on your alignment. In either case the Mountain preceeds the Ogre Cave.

You need to complete the Freeing the King quest and defeat the Park Ranger to move into Mountain area by using the Mountain entrance teleport location. The Park Ranger can be skipped if you use the Mountain Top teleport location. Walking to the Mountain area can be done by going north through the Outskirts and then southeast, followed by east through the Vast Valley.

The Mountain requires an Intelligence of 144, 160, or 176 depending on your race to enter.

There are several monsters here, the Goat, Bear, Masked Ranger, Pegasus Scout, Hydra, and the Hill Giant. The last three creatures are only found on the Mountain top. Click Here for the table of Creature Class vs Weapons.

To reach Complete Discovery and qualify for the Mountain area Badge you must also explore the Ogre Cave area, including getting past the Ogre Eating Cave Spider.

The Hill Giant is a quest creature and won't appear until you are doing the Fighter quest 10. Until then his location is an empty spot.

The Hydra randomly drops all 7 pieces of Hydraplate Equipment armor plus Hydra Flanks. The Pegasus Scout drops Pegasus Wing.

Several areas have access points in the Mountains. They are the Vast Valley, Ogre Cave, Volcano, and the Clouds.

Quick Look

Name Alignment Armor/Resist Attacks Drop Life Max Hit Class
Park Ranger Earth 25%/15% 1 None 120,000 1,075 Other
Goat None 5%/0% 1 None 28,000 1,000 Animal
Bear None 10%/0% 1 None 29,000 1,075 Animal
Masked Ranger Air 10%/0% 1 None 30,000 1,175 Humanoid
Pegasus Scout Air 10%/0% 1 Pegasus Wing 31,500 1,300 Air Creature
Hydra Earth 20%/10% 3 Hydraplate Equipment, Hydra Flanks 80,000 1,650 Mythic
Hill Giant None 40%/40% 1 Major Berserk Potions 100,000,000 25,000 Unknown

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