
The Outskirts are one of the first areas a new character trains in, just after the Beach and prior to moving on to the Sewers. If you take the correct steps during character creation it is possible to skip training on the Beach and go directly to the Outskirts.

Two requirements also exist to be able to enter the Outskirts. First, the character must have gotten and completed the Clean up the Beach quest by getting the intelligence requirement for the Outskirts, 36, 40, or 44 depending on your race, then returning to the Mayor. The second requirement is that the character have received the Rescue the King quest.

The Outskirts has entrances to five different areas, counting returning to Shillatown. They are Lake Gala, Vast Valley, Maze, and Druid Valley.

Five creatures, some of the first created for the game of Shilla, call the Outskirts home. They are the Bat, Goblin, Gypsy, Convict, and Outlaw No.1. Outlaw No.1 is a new Group Kill creature in new Shilla(has been removed). Click Here for the table of Creature Class vs Weapons.

The Goblin drops a rare item called Woodcutting. It is a skill that can be taken to Shillatown and trained to cut wood.

Not much to say about here. Be careful on the Convict, he's sneaky and has killed a few people who weren't paying close attention.
The Bat drops the food you'll be healing on, should be enough to sustain you for the time you are training here.
Make sure you get the Woodcutting skill, this will become useful in the future for many things. Just pick up the one and train a level in it, then it is saved to your character to work on in the future.
This can be explored entirely upon arrival, so getting the Badge to teleport here shouldn't be an issue.
This is another quick area that can be gone through in a short period of time.
If you want some variety, check out the Arena monsters. They are similar in difficulty.

Quick Look

Name Alignment Armor/Resist Attacks Drop Life Max Hit Class
Bat Air 0%/0% 1 Spicy Bat Wings 150 40 Air
Goblin Earth 2%/0% 1 Woodcutting 175 55 Humanoid
Gypsy None 1%/0% 1 None 200 70 Humanoid
Convict None 2%/0% 1 None 300 90 Humanoid
Outlaw No.1 None 50%/50% 3 Customs Duty 5,000,000 450 Unknown


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