The Sewers are the third area that a character trains in, coming before the Vast Valley and after the Outskirts.
A character needs at least 54, 60, or 66 Strength to lift the manhole cover that leads to the Sewers. The manhole cover is located east of the Fountain in Shillatown.
You also will need a form of light to be able to walk in the Sewers. Most common item to buy in the beginning is the Glowing Ring in the Shillatown amulet shop.
The Cookie Monster makes their 2nd appearance in the game here.
Three creatures make their home in the Sewers: Sewer Rat, Warrior, and Mimic. Click Here for the table of Creature Class vs Weapons.
The Warrior drops Whey Bread and rare drops of some Tier 2 weapons.
I wouldn't bother with the Cookie Monster in this location. Most research shows it giving the same items as the Beach one, with harder effort. So do the Beach instead.
The Warrior is a hard one and can sneak up and kill people not paying attention. If you can get through to 1-rounding it, then it drops a lot of weaponry that can be sold for a decent amount of money for your level.
Try however to figure out what guild you want to be a part of, and save those weapons in your Storage Container in town.
The odds are high you will need one of those weapons in the future to create a stronger weapon in the Forge.
Whey bread is a decent food, but I started buying Bear Steaks in Town with the money I was making from selling weapons.
Either way isn't a bad way.
Don't get caught up however, in farming here for gold when you could be getting better experience in another area. Experience generally outranks gold farming.
Quick Look
Name | Alignment | Armor/Resist | Attacks | Drop | Life | Max Hit | Class |
Sewer Rat | None | 1%/0% | 1 | None | 600 | 100 | Vermin |
Warrior | None | 3%/0% | 1 | Whey Bread, Broadsword, Warrior's Axe, Orb of Ghastly Breath, Grounded Staff, Tome of Incandescence, Draining Wand, and Warrior's Mace | 700 | 200 | Humanoid |
Mimic | None | 1%/0% | 1 | None | 520 | 95 | Unknown |