So you want to be a Pirate, do ya?
Table of Contents
Getting Access to Shilla Bay Island
First off let's give you some reasons why you would even want to complete the long list of quests associated with Shilla Bay.
The Why
- Alternative and more profitable training location vs longer grinds in the Deep Dark Forest/Pit and the dungeon.
- Access to the bosses Henry the Hellish who drops elite versions of the Tier 8 weapons.
- Access to the Open Sea, and then to Footface Island and Haunted Islands.
The When
You can buy a Brigantine vessel anytime you have the gold to do so, but this does not gain you access to Shilla Island, Henry the Hellish, or the Open Sea, even if you were able to gain crew at the Seaman’s Tavern, board your vessel, and stock it with supplies.
The How
You'll need a 4k wall score requirement to begin the Shilla Bay quests. You’ll then need access to the Elven Village for the first quest, a base charisma of around 600 a solid chance to recruit a crew member for the Brigantine, and enough life to eventually defeat either a Pirate Crew (2,250) or a Ship Dog (2,235) to get access to the Bigger Vessel Shop to buy a vessel that can hold cannons and sails. The base charisma needed to have a solid chance at recruiting crew members at that point jumps to around 1,000. Other researched numbers are below.
Crew Recruitment
The Seamen's Tavern is a place on the Docks of Shillatown where you can hire sailors for your ship.
You have to spend Quest Points(QP) to hire sailors. QP are lost whether you're successful or not, so start with the lowest (2 QP) option.
There 3 options are:
Tell them about your long boring journey (2 Quest Points)
Tell them about how you fled from the Hydra (costs 5 Quest Points)
Tell them how you were thrown to the floor by the white dragon and how you managed to jump up again and convinced it to surrender (costs 8 Quest Points)
Whether you are successful or not depends on your base Charisma score vs the Vessel that you're recruiting them onto. The current known minimum charisma for each vessel is shown below.
value has changed and are unknown
Brigantine - 1000+ charisma for 2QP, 400-600 charisma for 5QP, 300+ charisma for 10QP
Cob, Sloop - ??? Charisma (Lizardmen), ??? Charisma (Satyr)
Tireme - ?
Brig - ??? Charisma (Lizardmen)
That's the basics for gaining access to Henry the Hellish, defeating him is another matter though. You’ll have to battle his Sloop down to near 100 points of health, then defeat a random number of his crew that are Elite versions of the other creatures found in Shilla Bay, then defeat him. Being Elites, both Henry and his crew can and will get initiative and attack you first, so monitor your life before each attack. Henry can hit for 4,300 points of damage, and his crew will hit you for more than their listed max hits due to being elites. As always using Consider is recommended if you are in any doubt.
The Quest
I’ve done a decent job of describing each quest for the Shilla Bay area page, but will copy and paste them here and make minor changes as needed.
Sailor Recruitment
This is the start of your exploration of the Shilla Bay area. You obtain the quest from Roger at the Vessel Stuff shop. You're told about the basics, in a story form, then are sent to Elven Village's armor and sail shop. You don't need to buy the sails, and nothing happens at the shop once you are there, but a link will appear to complete the quest once you return to the Vessel Stuff shop.
Sailor Recruitment II
This quest starts in the Vessel Stuff shop upon completion of the Sailor Recruitment quest. Roger mentions something about the sails in the EV being too expensive and then sends you to the Seaman's Tavern on a hiring crew practice run. Again you don't need to actually charm/recruit some men into joining you and nothing will happen at the tavern, so return to Roger at the Vessel Stuff to click on the link to complete the quest.
Sailor's First Journey
This quest starts in the Vessel Stuff shop upon completion of the Sailor Recruitment II quest. Roger directs you to get a vessel and go find the Yellow Buoy. The only vessel available to you is the Brig, which has a value of 100m gold. You will also need a Used Sail, which has a value of 20m gold. Each type of vessel has a minimum number of needed crew to operate the vessel. Getting these crew members requires using Quest Points in the Seaman’s Tavern. The higher your base charisma and choosing the higher QP donation amount increases your chances of recruiting crew members and the number of crew members recruited. At 600 charisma I was successful at the 5 QP option. When you’re unsuccessful at recruiting crew any quest points used are lost and you will be told you don't have the required charisma. So don’t be mindless and tell bad stories to the tavern sailors, wasting all your Quest Points.The brigantine will cost you 200,000 gold at that charisma as well. .
Once you have a vessel, sail and enough crew, you can board your Brig and move from one the Docks to one of the Shipyards. It is here that you can inspect the currently boarded vessel and make changes. To complete the quest you will need to select Used Sail from the drop down menu near the bottom of the page and click the "A Sail" button. You can't add a cannon to the Brig, so ignore that section. The next line is where you add Provisions. Select any type of food you want, the higher healing value the higher number of provisions it provides, input a number into the box, and click the "Some Food" button. Head east to the Docks, then south to enter Shilla Bay. The first thing you will need to do prior to moving is hoist you sail by clicking on the blue "hoisted" link near the top of the page. At that point you can make your way to the Yellow Buoy located west of Shilla Island. You don't have to kill anything on the buoy, just sail to it, return to one of the docks, disembark, and then return to the Vessel Stuff shop.
Sailor's Navigation Proficiency
This quest starts in the Vessel Stuff shop upon completion of the Sailor's First Journey quest. Roger will then send you back to the Bay to raise your Navigation Proficiency to at least 100. This is done simply by sailing around and checking your quest log until you've reached the requirement. Roger warns you not to "sail too far", but short of leaving the Bay, which you can't at this point anyway, I'm not sure what he is referencing. Return to the Vessel Stuff shop to complete the quest.
Sailor Exploring Island
This quest starts in the Vessel Stuff shop upon completion of the Sailor's Navigation Proficiency quest. Roger will send you out to visit Mercury at the Bigger Vessel Shop located on Shilla Island. You don't have to kill the creature on the Green Buoy to access the Docks and disembark, but getting through and off the one spot separating you from the shop does require killing the creature there. If you have the 600 charisma needed to recruit Brig crew, have gotten at least to the deep-dark-forest, or the Dungeon, you should be fine. Visit the shop, again you don't have to buy anything but Mercury will mention they don't have a Shipyard on the island and that you'll need add a cannon to manoeuvre. Click on the link at the bottom of the page to complete the quest and gain the next quest.
As mentioned above the two possible creatures that you can encounter on that middle spot on Shilla Island are the Pirate Crew and the Ship Dog. The Pirate Crew is the most frequent and has the highest max hit at 2,250.
Sailor's First Manoeuvres
This quest starts in the Bigger Vessel shop upon completion of the Sailor Exploring Island quest. Mercury will send you out to raise your Manoeuvring Proficiency to 50. While he does mention cannons, you don't need one to get your proficiency to 50. You can't equip one to your Brigantine anyway. So sail around until you find a ship under neutral flags so it won't attack you, then click on the Manoeuvre button until you reach at least 50 in your quest log. Manoeuvring doesn't consume Provisions. Once done, click on "Turn Around" to run away and return to Mercury. He'll tell you to keep watching for buoys.
Sailor's First Battle
This quest starts a the leftmost Shipyard upon completion of the Sailor's First Manoeuvres quest. You are directed to get your Cannoneering skill up to 50. This is done by engaging in sea battles with vessels under pirate flag. See Vessel to Vessel combat above for details. It is here that you’ll need to buy a better vessel from Mercury on Shilla Island. Each of these vessels has its own Manoeuvring requirement, and if you plan to do the Footface Island quest I would suggest skipping the Cog, Trireme, and Sloop and buy the Brig. It might take longer Manoeuvring around to get the proficiency, but you’ll have the best vessel available to you until Footface Island. When you reach 50 points in Cannoneering in your quest log, return to the shipyard to complete the quest.
Getting to Footface Island
The Why
- Earlier and easier access to Captain Skull Hat and his elite Tier 10 weapon drops.
- Access to the Green Ring upgrade, the Hoop Ring
- Alternative and more profitable training location vs longer grinds in the Reaper's Walkway or the White Dragon in the Druid Keep.
The When
After getting the above quests done the next set of quests, the Red Buoy group of quests, open up to you. These quests require you to grind all the Shilla Bay creatures, except Henry, at some point. I found the highest of these, the Privateer a step easier than 1 rounding the Black Dragon, and the rest progressing easier down to the Sailor. Still working on exact numbers for Privateers and Lady Pirates, but their max hit is somewhere around 3,200.
The How
Again I’ll copy and paste the quest here from the Shilla Bay page, making revisions as needed.
Hunt Pirates
This quest starts at the right Red Buoy after completion of the Sailor's First Battle quest. You are directed to kill 100 Sailors. The best place to do so is the Green Buoy. Do this quest as a pair with the Get Booze quest. When you see "You have killed all quest monsters", return to the right Red Buoy to complete the quest.
Get Booze
This quest starts at the left Red Buoy after completion of the Sailor's First Battle quest. You are directed to obtain 50 Bottles of Rum. Start this quest, but enable the Hunt Pirates quest before beginning your Rum gathering. Best place for both of these quests is the Green Buoy. Though you can be able to just buy the Rum as well from the Vessel Stuff. Return to left Red Buoy when you have the 50 Bottles.
Hunt More Pirates
This quest starts at the right Red Buoy after completion of the Hunt Pirates quest. You are directed to kill 125 Buccaneers. The best place to do so is the Yellow Buoy. At this point in quest completion I had more than enough gold to purchase, and navigation proficiency to pilot the most powerful vessel available to you at this point in the game, the Brig. Since you'll be grinding away on the Yellow Buoy take advantage of the opportunity to increase your crew every 15 minutes. When you have killed the necessary 250 buccaneers, return to the right Red Buoy to complete the quest.
Go For Wealth
This quest starts at the left Red Buoy after completion of the Get Booze quest. You are directed to gather either 2 Pieces of Eight. The best place is to head to the Yellow Buoy. Admirals drop them, but you'll have to be patient. Return to the left Red Buoy to complete the quest.
Hunt the Crew
This quest begins at the right Red Buoy after completion of the Hunt More Pirates quest. You are directed to kill 150 Pirate Crew. The best place is at the center and northern spots of Shilla Island. Don't forget to gather all the Iron Balls and Burgoo that drop. Return to the right Red Buoy to complete the quest.
Get More Supplies
This quest begins at the left Red Buoy after completion of the Go For Wealth quest. You are directed to gather 75 Ship's Biscuits. The Ship Dog at the middle spot of the island drops these, though you can buy them at the Vessel Stuff shop as well. Once you have the required amount head back to the left Red Buoy to complete the quest.
Hunt Privateers
This quest begins at the right Red Buoy after completion of the Hunt the Crew quest. You are directed to kill 175 privateer. Bounce back and forth from the Bigger Vessel Shop and the basement area, but only after you have activated the Getting Burgoo quest since you'll be fighting a lot of Lady Pirates as well. Return to the right Red Buoy to complete the quest.
Getting Burgoo
This quest begins at the left Red Buoy after completion of the Get More Supplies quest. You are directed to gather 75 Burgoo. The Lady Pirate drops these frequently, and the best place to find her in in the basement spot below the Bigger Vessel shop. Make sure you have activated the Hunt Privateers quest, because they are found in the same location. Return to the left Red Buoy to complete the quest.
Sailor's Final Trip
This quest begins at the Open Sea entrance after completion of Getting Burgoo quest. You are directed to get a Sextant. This item can either be found as an infrequent drop from Captain Skull Hat or Henry the Hellish, or by making your way through the Maze to the spot just south of the center. Getting the Sextant completes the quest and gains the reward of 7.5 million gold pieces and 1 billion experience points. The Sextant is a quest item and is not lost when your character dies. Any additional sextants found continue to stack.
Once you have the sextant you can exit the Shilla Bay area and enter the Open Sea with all its quirks. You can then make your way to Footface Island at (17,4) then go one S.
An Alternative Path, though not necessarily easier
As mentioned above the Sextant is a rare boss drop, though it has yet to be confirmed if it will do so prior to completing the last Red Buoy quest.
Footface Island also has a portal that allows movement to and from the Orc Outpost. Be aware that you still need the entrance requirements, so get those 100 elf kills in the Dark Forest prior to using the portal. Additionally there is a quest requirement of having worked with the orcs in their fight against the elves to move past a movement restricted space.
Because of the portal it is possible for a character to swim through the Ocean, avoid Whirlpool's and gain access to Footface Island via the Orc Outpost. To do so you’ll be able to access the Ocean area (390+/- Int) and be able to breathe underwater.
On a side note you can also access the ocean prior to having the Int requirement by going from Footface Island, through Orc Outpost, and entering the Ocean. Just double check that you can breath underwater.
Once you are there
Other than the rewards for finishing the quests, you’ll have access to the Orc Sergeant who drops the Hoop Ring 5% of the time. These are an upgrade to the Green Ring's and increase a base stat by 55 points and either Life, Mana, or Stamina by 5% (12% if you equip two of the same kind).
In the northeast corner of the water surrounding Footface Island is where Captain Skull Hat resides. Defeating his Brig and Elite crew will cause him to appear. Captain Skull Hat will drop three Tier 12 weapons, with a possibility of them being elite versions.