Training Progression Guide

The Training Progression table was created to compare various training areas within Shilla. It is based on the average experience gained as if all creatures in the area spawn equally. This is mostly true in the early areas of the game, and when it is not, then sub sections of areas have been included.

The 5 Minute Test column has been added to show maximum experience and gold, including gold gained from the farming of weapons/armor when applicable. While it was originally a 5 minute period of time, that is no longer accurate. Lag has become unpredictable, and in my case hotspot reception is also a factor. Because of these variables, it is now based on 225 kills, approximately the number if a character 100% 1 rounds an area and lag isn't present. Experienced Adventurer badge completion bonuses are also a factor, so assume general completion of those when looking at the data.

With the implementation of bounties I also thought knowing the frequency of creatures within a training area would be helpful.

Area Life Needed 5 Minute Test (Exp/Gold) Frequency
Mausoleum: Training Level ?? 57,597/38 30%Ghosts/30%Bones/40%Slimes
Muddy Dirt Road 25 59,200/01 Even% Stray Dog, Mosquito, BlindWorm
Beach 30 45,400/250 Even% Hermit , Crab, Stone Crab
Mausoleum: Supply Level ?? 72,767/143 40%Ghoul/35%Rat/25%Bone Thief
Mausoleum: Information Level ?? 89,758/0 35%Shade,Bat/30%Aspiring
Happy End of Chicken Coop 45 89,000/02 3%Rooster/24%Lazy Chicken/41%Fat Chicken/32%More Lazy Chicken
Crab Lord3 50 66,896/3,616 N/A
Outskirts 90 93,631/450 Even% Bat, Goblin, Gypsy, Convict
Mausoleum: Forge Level ?? 131,103/434 35%Bat, Cleric/30%Dwarf
Angry End of Chicken Coop 95 180,900/04 Even%Angry Chicken, Wild Chicken, Flying Chicken/1%Fox
Arena 100 190,000/2005 Even% Weapon Master, Pocket Thief, Magician
Orchard 145 391,000/230 43%Boar/36%Scarecrow/20%Farmhand/1%/Foremen
Eddie's Ranch 205 686,000/550 53%Coyote/40%Kobold/2%Thief
Sewers6 200 462,461/460 65%Sewer Rat/35%Warrior
Underworld: Flooded Tunnel ?? 458,268/519 Even% Vampire Bat, Mad Ancestor
Underworld: Tunnel and Slippery Tunnel ?? 763,301/484 55%Desecrated Druid/45% Werewolf
Vast Valley7 210 863,022/4,330 60%Old Wizard/40%Drunken Druid
Cemetery 250 1,144,140/1,0208 16%Zombie/19%Blob/11%Old Witch/54%Skeleton Warrior
Druid Valley: Druids only 350 1,711,420/1,450 N/A
Druid Valley: Avarial area 400 2,283,420/1,740 Even%Druid, Avarial
Druid Valley: Kreen area 450 2,767,480/2,050 55%Druid/45%Kreen
Castle: Rookie guards 550 5,762,710/66,640 N/A
Castle: Castle guards 600 6,386,450/83,860 N/A
Marshes of R Baldur: Frogs/Harder Wisp ?? 10,764,620/3,395 55%Harder Wisp/45%Poison Frog
Castle: Elite guards 650 14,717,430/88,230 N/A
Marshes of R Baldur: Insects/Plants ?? 15,400,281/4,831 55%Plants/45%Insects
Castle: Drakmor dragons 750 19,222,590/12,050 N/A
Lake Gala 1,100 30,062,700/20,530 30%Dogfish Child/20%Dogfish/30%Dogfish Princess/20%Dogfish Queen
Mountain trail 1,200 39,795,570/26,790 20%Masked Ranger/35%Bear/45%Goat
Mountain top 1,400 40,752,340/26,040 35%Goat, Pegasus Scout/30%Bear
Ogre Cave 1,500 51,297,131/29,060 40%Dumb, Dumber Ogre/20%Dumbest Ogre
Ogre Eating Cave Spider 1,650 75,267,230/148,620 N/A
Hydra 1,650 76,205,840/190,540 N/A
Dark Forest ??? 93,263,614/52,006 25%Elf/35%Troll/40%Vampire Bat
Deep Dark Forest - Path 1,900 93,263,614/52,006 15%Imp/15%Deer/15%Harpy/20%Archer/25%Griffin
Deep Dark Forest - Pit 2,500 131,835,155/69,687 15%Basilisk/20%Serpentfly/30%Wyvern/35%Gorgon
The Maze9 2,900 151,283,497/111,331 2% Blue Bat, Titan/3%Maze Wraith, Red Reaper/5%Maze Overlord, Queen Warriors, Flying Demon, Fairy Warrior/10%Shadow, Shadow Beast, Queen Guard, Grey Reaper, Black Reaper
North and Middle spots on Shilla Island 3,200 200,838,125/210,923 15%Dog/20%Privateer/30%Lady Pirate/35%Pirate Crew
South and Middle spots on Shilla Island 3,200 199,252,529/212,239 15%Ship's Dog/15%Admiral/35%Buccaneer, Pirate Crew
Yellow Buoy in Shilla Bay 3,200 204,766,197/237,123 75%Buccaneer/25%Admiral
Green Buoy in Shilla Bay 3,200 165,353,386/165,144 75%Sailor/25%Captain
Big Vessel Shop Basement on Shilla Island10 3,200 144,138,567/167,495 40%Privateer/60%Lady Pirate
Dungeons: no cells 3,000 153,902,460/89,050 30%Dungeon Master, Executioner/40% Dungeon Guard
Dungeons: with cells11 3,100(5,500) 136,937,340/71,24012 ???
Footface Island: Group 1 3,600 220,884,094/146,963 9%Assassin/19%Mean Elf/72%Orc Recruit
Footface Island: Group 2 3,600 223,333,847/127,779 10%Orc Recruit/30%Assassin/60Mean Elf
Footface Island: Group 3 3,600 261,012,536/157,501 11%Mean Elf/36%Orc Raider/53%Assassin
Footface Island: Group 4 3,750 382,569,593/245,356 10%Orc Warrior/30%OrcRaider/60%Assassin
Footface Island: Group 6 4,500 247,489,531/171,176 10%Orc Merchant/30% Orc Sergeant/60%Orc Shaman
Footface Island: Group 7 4,200 353,177,895/201,817 15% Orc Warrior/30% Orc Shaman/55%Orc Merchant
Footface Island: Group 8 3,950 389,891,999/264,788 10%Orc Merchant/30%Orc Warrior/60%Orc Raider
Reaper's Walkway 4,550 244,335,660/93,480 N/A
Druid Keep: Keep druids 4,250 256,388,060/109,210 N/A
Mansion Path: Starfish 4,500 271,603,090/141,970 N/A
Duid Keep Minotaurs 4,350 290,494,220/116,060 N/A
Sand Mansion: Staff 1,600 287,378,310/149,680 20%Chef/20%Jester/30%Maiden/30%Butler
Sand Mansion: Jester's Room + Rest of Staff 1,600 308,396,840/159,320 60%Jester/10%Chef/15% Butler, Maiden
Druid Keep: White dragons 4,400 332,178,230/132,590 N/A
Sand Mansion: Dolphins 1,800 311,270,400/150,820 N/A
HI: Ghost Island - G1 ??? 379,678,939/163/348 Even% Fighting Spirits, Lurker Ghosts
HI: Skeleton Bay - Giant Skeletons ??? 382,639,444/142,791 90%Giant Skeletons/10%Rabid Wolf
HI: Skeleton Bay - Overlords/Bats ??? 413,815,767/142,791 90% Skeleton Overlords/10%Poisonous Bats
Sky Castle: 1st floor ??? 504,004,630/234,240 20%Winged Archer/35%Angel Guard/45%Cherub
HI: Ghost Island - G2 ??? 524,016,815/245,662 45%Spirit Lord/55%Tortured Wraiths
Druid Keep Black dragons 5,000 524,780,186/206,790 N/A
Sky Castle: 2nd floor 5,750 569,244,350/246,350 10%Holy Knight/40%Angel Guard/50%Winged Archer
HI: Zombie Atoll - Healthy/Putrid Z's ??? 603,003,886/278,846 40%Putrid Zombie/60%Healthy Zombie
HI: Zombie Atoll - Deranged Elf/Soul Devourer ??? 640,150,993/311,971 Even% Deranged Elf, Soul Devourer
HI: Zombie Atoll - Decayed One/Butcherer ??? 658,305,793/313,382 45%Decayed One/55%Butcherer
HI: Sea Area Reefs ??? 670,419,147/273,264 30%Undead Captain, Skeletal Overlord/40%Undead Sailor
HI: Zombie Atoll - Werewolf Warrior/Dark Wizard ??? 683,388,412/331,257 40%Dark Wizard/60%Werewolf Warrior
HI: Zombie Atoll - Soul Wraith/Lich ??? ???/??? 45%Lich/55%Soul Wraith
Sky Castle: 3rd floor 6,750 683,355,520/284,120 60%Winged Archer/35%Seraph Angel/5%Holy Knight
Great Plains: Baboon area 6,000 590,168,090/293,890 Even% White Hawk/Wolf/Baboon
Great Plains: Jaguar area 7,800 728,633,230/337,810 35%Great Tiger/30%Cougar/35%Jaguar
HI: Vampire Reef - Group 1 ??? 769,092,548/377,049 65%Vampire/35%Vampire Count
Great Plains: Rhino area 8,500 839,309,900/357,390 40%Rhino/35%Killer Wolf/25%Tiger
HI: Ruins - Group 1 ??? 860,536,351/418,920 25%Lich Sorcerer/75%Ruin Robber
HI: Ruins - Group 2 ??? 909,647,495/445,056 60%Nice Ghoul/40%Handsome Ghoul
HI: Vampire Reef - Group 2 ??? 949,827,548/456,394 Even%, Vampire Rogue/Anti-Paladin
HI: Evil Island ??? 970,679,436/473,688 40%Eeevil/35%Eeeevil/25%Eeeeevil
Volcano: Level 1 (Roc area) 7,500 968,207,381/446,030 ???
Volcano: Level 2 (Hatchling Dragon area) 9,000 1,030,344,910/460,000 ???
DOLS: Level 8 ??? 1,062,171,550/512,263 20%Cougar/30%Wolf/25%Rhino/25%Roc
Middle Canals (Terror Rat Group) 9,900 1,282,134,260/512,800 ???
DOLS: Level 7 ??? 1,346,304,115/650,032 25%Cougar/25%Wolf/25%Rhino/25%Roc
South Canals (Canal Urchin Group) 10,400 1,415,194,800/528,900 ???
North Canals (Canal Creature Group) 10,400 1,510,572,940/568,580 ???
Great Plains: Death Angel 9,500 1,546,370,470/618,610 N/A
DOLS: Level 6 ??? 1,647,108,729/800,926 25%Cougar/25%Wolf/25%Rhino/20%Roc
DOLS: Level 5 ??? 1,970,341,184/948,598 30%Cougar/25%Wolf/25%Rhino/25%Roc
DOLS: Level 4 ??? 2,263,844,585/1,113,724 30%Cougar/30%Wolf/20%Rhino/20%Roc
DOLS: Level 3 ??? 2,591,432,755/1,247,323 20%Cougar/30%Wolf/25%Rhino/25%Roc
Volcano: Level 3 (Young Dragon area)13 14,500 2,584,369,505/913,039 ???
DOLS: Level 2 ??? 2,893,330,061/1,418,223 25%Cougar/30%Wolf/20%Rhino/25%Roc
Volcano: Level 4 (Adult Dragon area) 10,000 1,313,486,910/513,170 ???
DOLS: Level 2 ??? 2,893,330,061/1,418,223 25%Cougar/30%Wolf/20%Rhino/25%Roc
Clouds 11,000 3,153,952,285/1,299,692 Even%Pegasus, Hippogriff, Valkyrie
DOLS: Level 1 ??? 3,208,696,782/1,535,025 25%Cougar/25%Wolf/30%Rhino/20%Roc
Vast Desert - Group 1 12,60014 3,546,508,518/1,534,794 Even% Scarab, Giant Scorpion, Vulture, Camel, Giant Cobra
Vast Desert - Group 2 12,80015 4,290,395,695/1,673,963 ???
Volcano: Level 5 (Elder Reds area) 13,450 3,326,859,017/2,020,960 30%Elder Red Dragon/40%Fire Wolf/20%Manicore
Volcano: Level 6 (Fire fly area) 14,700 4,533,109,655/1,717,327 ???
Volcano: Level 7 (Fire Golem area) 14,900 4,558,565,488/1,716,055 40%Mani/30%Elemental/30%Golem
Volcano: Level 8 (Demon Guard area) 16,500 4,949,439,390/1,802,411 40%Beast/30%Guard/30%Elemental
Volcano: Level 9 (Phoenix area) 17,500 5,555,019,437/1,891,134 40%Worm/35%Phoenix/25%Beast
Ocean Surface 18,000 5,617,418,196/2,001,464 ???
Ocean 1st Fathom 19,000 4,233,421,783/1,309,509 ???
Avian Hideout - Group 1 ??? 5,019,193,430/1,683,151 ???
Avian Hideout - Group 2 ??? 6,276,042,179/2,035,351 ???
Ocean 2nd Fathom 19,500 5,259,265,285/1,613,237 ???
Lizardfolk Hideout - Group 1 ??? 5,479,489,313/1,869,375 ???
Lizardfolk Hideout - Group 2 ??? 6,648,199,634/2,085,816 ???
Dark Elven Hideout - Group 1 ??? 5,946,104,453/1,927,166 ???
Dark Elven Hideout - Group 2 ??? 7,217,704,928/2,350,251 ???
17B River monsters 19,500 7,098,525,008/1,954,577 ???
Ocean 3rd Fathom ??? 6,006,060,59/1,845,637 ???
Ocean 4th Fathom ??? 4,991,461,368/1,466,041 ???
Ocean 5th Fathom 21,000 6,346,625,972/1,729,488 ???
Pyramid: Level 1 - Outside Ring 19,400 9,153,866,239/3,597,986 40%Behem/35%Guard,Cat
Pyramid: Level 1 - Inner Area 20,000 9,199,636,993/3,530,951 Even%Horde, Mummy, Banshee
Pyramid: Level 2 21,000 9,989,988,507/3,550,191 10%Polter, Genie/15%Liche, Centaur/20%Cerb/30%Werewolf
Pyramid: Level 3 23,000 13,013,979,500/4,701,042 30%Guard/30%Warrior/35%Fallen
Pyramid: Level 4 24,000 13,516,146,444/4,838,661 Even%Green S, Young W, Dark S
Pyramid: Level 5 24,500 13,956,333,086/4,721,985 30%High P, Mummy W./40%Court W.
Pyramid: Level 6 27,000 14,688,442,033/4,639,502 20%Isis/25%Aubis, Thoth/30%Horus
Glacier: Penguin area 24,000 15,583,535,391/6,297,244 Even%Peng, Sea L
Glacier: Viking area 25,000 16,202,085,879/6,090,052 Even%Horde, Warrior
Glacier: Neanderthal area 27,000 17,001,950,211/6,435,816 10%Nean w/ Spear/90% Nean w/ Club
Glacier: Mammoth area 28,000 19,397,747,829/7,087,408 Even%Mams, Sabers
Glacier: Yeti area 29,500 21,250,975,388/6,752,259 40%Serps/60%Yeti
Glacier: Walrus area 30,000 21,248,580,909/7,478,473 Even% Wals, P Bears
Glacier: Pirate area 31,900 21,878,781,912/6,904,328 10%P Capt/90%P Crew
Glacier: Blue Dragon area 33,750 22,592,164,070/7,000,097 10%Demon/90%Blue D
Glacier: Balder/Loki area 34,250 24,586,562,936/7,293,597 40%Loki/60%Balder
Glacier: Odin/Thor area 35,500 24,549,944,776/7,027,462 Even%Odin, Thor
Ice Palace: Spiral 1 ??? ??? ???
Ice Palace: Spiral 2 ??? ??? ???
Ice Palace: Spiral 3 ??? ??? ???
Atlantis: Walkways ??? 14,405,899,256/4,989,435 ???
Atlantis: Silver Tower ??? 19,109,524,262/6,285,450 25%Queen/35%Xyp/40%King
Atlantis: Golden Tower ??? 12,573,945,848/3,961,053 Even
Atlantis: Red Shimmering Tower ??? 16,285,411,422/4,904,685 20%King V/40%Carm/40%Ang
Catacombs: Level 1 ??? 27,469,446,830/8,963,861 40%Daemon/60%Anima
Catacombs: Level 2 ??? 27,762,489,388/8,798,869 45%sorc/55%Mage
Catacombs: Level 3 ??? 30,560,348,189/9,108,166 30%Necro/30%Phan/40%Carn
Baleful Swamp ??? 33,496,674,067/7,602,389.00 30%Ghast/35%Dark/35%Hag
Old Towne - Not Cajan ??? 53,284,772,066/11,359,183 25%Gate/30%Monster/45%Mud
Old Towne - With Cajan ??? 60,018,160,149/12,547,978 N/A
Rough Shores: Group 1 ??? 63,673,395,936/26,801,305 Even
Rough Shores: Group 2 ??? 58,450,215,285/25,279,776 40%Sloth/60%Turtle
Rough Shores: Group 3 ??? 66,770,011,404/26,894,022 45%Shark/55%Komo
Jungle: Group 1 ??? 69,000,238,319/30,334,262 ???
Jungle: Group 2 ??? 85,601,933,735//35,823,023 45%Bird/55%Scolo
Jungle: Group 3 ??? 73,513,953,977/31,331,399 Even
See Dino Land for information on training locations N/A N/A N/A
Hell Pit: Group 1 ??? 154,430,139,321/62,935,060 ???
Hell Pit: Group 2 ??? ??? ???
Hell Pit: Group 3 ??? ??? ???
Mount M: Level 0 ??? ??? ???
Mount M: Level 10 ??? 207,692,211,109/88,982,633 ???
Mount M: Level 14 ??? ??? ???
Mount M: Level 31 ??? ??? ???
Mount M: Level 45 ??? ??? ???
Mount M: Level 49 ??? ??? ???

Monsters unusually strong for the area (i.e. golems, pearl armor droppers, etc.) are excluded from calculations.

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